
当社は、事業の内容及び規模を考慮した適切な個人情報の取得、利用及び提供を行います。 それには特定された利用目的の達成に必要な範囲を超えた個人情報の取扱いを行わないこと及びそのための措置を講じることを含みます。
  • ①組織的安全管理措置
  • ・個人情報保護のための組織体制の整備
  • ・個人情報保護を定めた規程等の整備と規程等に従った運用 等
  • ②人的安全管理措置
  • ・全従業者に対する個人情報保護に関する教育 等
  • ③物理的安全管理措置
  • ・入館管理の実施
  • ・機器・装置等の物理的な保護 等
  • ④技術的安全管理措置
  • ・個人情報を取り扱うシステムのアクセス制御
  • ・個人情報を取り扱うシステムの監視 等
  • d.苦情及び相談への対応について
    〒100-0011 東京都千代田区内幸町1-5-2 内幸町平和ビル20F
    株式会社ゼロイン 経営企画部
    プライバシーマーク10861096(10) 制定日:平成17年1月17日
    株式会社ゼロイン 代表取締役 大條 充能


    • 当社がお客様より受託した以下事業の業務を遂行するため
      • 1.コミュニケーション支援事業
      • 2.オフィス構築支援事業
      • 3.オフィス運営支援事業
      • 4.その他当社が展開している事業
    • お申し込みいただいたセミナーの受付及び開催に必要な業務を行うため
    • お問い合せや資料請求の場合、当社の最新情報や各種セミナー情報、展示会情報等の提供のため
    • お問い合せや資料請求の場合、当社の取扱う商品や顧客サービス等の改善及び向上のため
    • メールマガジン配信サービス申込みの場合、メールを配信するため
    • 当社の採用活動に対する応募の場合、選考の資料とするため
    • 1.お客様ご本人の同意がある場合
    • 2.法令で許容される範囲において開示、提供を求められた場合
    • 3.人の生命、身体又は財産の保護のために必要であり、かつ、お客様から同意を頂くことが困難である場合
    • 4.国又は地方公共団体等が公的な事務を実施する上で協力する必要があり、かつ、お客様から同意を頂くことにより当該事務の遂行に支障が出るおそれがある場合
    • 5.統計的なデータ(お客様ご本人を識別できない情報)を開示又は提供する場合
    • 6.合併、会社分割、事業譲渡その他の事由による事業の承継に伴って提供する場合


    株式会社ゼロイン 経営企画部 部長
    東京都千代田区内幸町1-5-2 内幸町平和ビル20F
    〒100-0011 東京都千代田区内幸町1-5-2 内幸町平和ビル20F
    株式会社ゼロイン 経営企画部


    a. 個人データ
    b. 連絡先等
    c. 個人データの利用目的
    d. 個人データ取扱いの法的根拠
    • (a)お客様との間の契約を履行するための取扱い等
    • (b)お客様の同意
    • (c)正当な利益のための取扱い
    e. EEA域外における取扱い
    f. 個人データの保存期間
    g. お客様の権利
    お客様はGDPRが適用される限りにおいて、自らの個人データへのアクセス、個人データの訂正又は消去、個人データの取扱いの制限、データポータビリティ(自らが提供した個人データを電子ファイルで入手・移転等すること)の権利を有します。 また、お客様は、当社による個人データの取扱いに不満がある場合には、お客様が居住される地域を管轄する個人データの保護当局に対して異議を申し立てることができます。
    h. プロファイリングについて
    当社は、お客様との間の契約の締結又はその履行のため、又は、お客様の同意に基づいて、お客様から提供頂いた個人データをプロファイリングすることがありますが、これにより、お客様に重大な影響を与えることはありません。 当社は、お客様の情報をプロファイリングするにあたり、当社の利益がお客様自身の利益や基本的権利及び自由に優先されないようにする措置を講じます。
    当サイトでは、お客様による当サイトの利用状況を把握し、より良いコンテンツを生み出すためにGoogle Analyticsを導入しています。
    Google Analyticsは、Cookieを利用して利用者の情報を収集します。具体的には、お客様の当サイトへのアクセス履歴を集計し、Google社の下で最大で26か月間、お客様が当サイトのどのページをどのように閲覧されたかを把握するための情報が保管されます。 Google Analyticsの利用規約については、以下をご参照ください。

    Privacy Policy

    Taking into account the fact that Zeroin Inc. (the “Company”) engages in outsourcing business for providing total support for the revitalization of corporate culture as its core business, the Company considers personal information management to be a key issue for its business operations.
    The Company has established the following personal management protection policy and will disseminate this Privacy Policy to all of its employees to ensure the protection of personal information.
    For customers residing in the European Economic Area consisting of the EU member countries, plus Norway, Iceland and Liechtenstein (hereinafter collectively called the “EEA”), the contents under “For Customers residing in the EAA” will apply in addition to the contents under “Handling of Personal Information”, “Disclosure of Personal Information Subject to Disclosure and Point of Contact” and this Privacy Policy (collectively, the “Privacy Policy, etc.”) below.
    • 1.Obtaining, using and providing personal information in a proper manner The Company will obtain, use and provide personal information in a proper manner, taking into consideration the content and scale of its business, including not handling any personal information beyond the scope necessary to achieve the specific purposes of use and taking measures therefor.

    • 2.Complying with the laws, regulations and norms regarding personal information. The Company will comply with the laws, regulations, and other policies and norms established by the country with regard to the handling of personal information.

    • 3.Ensuring the accuracy and safety of personal information In order to ensure the accuracy and safety of personal information, the Company will implement appropriate security measures and strive to prevent and cure any divulgence, loss or destruction of personal information.
    •   ①Organizational security control measures
    • Establishment of an organizational structure for the protection of personal information
    • Establishment of rules, etc. that stipulate the protection of personal information and operation in accordance with the rules, etc.
    •        ②Personnel security control measures
    • Education on personal information protection for all employees, etc.
    •        ③Physical security measures
    • Implementation of admission management
    • Physical protection of equipment, devices, etc.
    •        ④Technical safety control measures
    • Access control for systems that handle personal information
    • Monitoring of systems that handle personal information, etc.
    • 4.Handling of complaints and requests for consultation The Company will respond promptly and appropriately to complaints and requests for consultation regarding the handling of personal information. For more details, please contact the “Personal Information Complaints and Consultation Counter”.
      <Personal Information Complaints and Consultation Counter>
      Zeroin Inc.
      Corporate Planning Division
      20th Floor, Uchisaiwaicho Heiwa Bldg
      1-5-2 Uchisaiwaicho,Chiyoda-ku,Tokyo 100-0011

    • 5.Formulating and Improving Personal Information Protection Management System on an ongoing basis In order to cause employees to recognize the importance of personal information protection and to use and protect personal information in a proper manner, the Company will formulate and implement its “Personal Information Protection Management System” and improve the same on an ongoing basis.
    Privacy Mark 10861096(10) Date of Establishment: January 17, 2005
    Date Last Revised: February 19, 2024
    Zeroin Inc.
    Mitsuyoshi Daijo, Representative Director
    privacy mark
    * Zeroin Inc. has been certified as a business granted the right to use the “Privacy Mark”

    Handling of Personal Information

    In light of the fact that the Company engages in outsourcing business for providing total support for the revitalization of corporate culture as its core business, the Company sets forth the following purposes of use of personal information. The Company will properly handle the personal information so obtained in accordance with the Company’s terms.
    • Carrying out the services for the following business, as entrusted by customers:
      • 1.Communication support business;
      • 2.Office establishment support business
      • 3.Office operation support business; and
      • 4.Other business conducted by the Company.
    • Engaging in services necessary for holding seminars applied for, receiving applications and conducting front-desk services for such seminars;
    • Providing the Company’s latest information, various seminar information, and exhibition information, etc.;
    • Improving the goods and customer service, etc. offered by the Company; and
    • Responsing to inquiries and document requests
    • Distributing email magazines if customer signs up for the distribution thereof.
    • Applying for recruitment, using it as selection document.
    * If the personal information purposes of use are individually notified to customer, the Company will handle such personal information in accordance with such purposes of use.
    The Company will not disclose or provide customer’s personal information to any third parties, except for in the following cases. In addition, as for personal information that contains customer’s sensitive information, the Company will not disclose or provide such information to any third parties under any circumstances, unless permitted by laws and regulations or consented to by customer.
    However, if we entrust all or part of the handling of personal information to the extent necessary to achieve the purpose of use, we may provide it without obtaining consent to the extent that it does not violate the relevant laws and regulations. Only in that case, the person receiving personal information shall not be a third party. In addition, we are responsible for the handling of personal information by the subcontractor.
    • 1.Customer has consented to disclosure or provision of his/her own personal information;
    • 2.Disclosure or provision of such information is required to the extent permitted by laws and regulations;
    • 3.Disclosure or provision of such information is necessary for protection of the life, limb or property of a person, and obtaining customer’s consent is difficult;
    • 4.The Company needs to cooperate with any governmental organizations, local public organizations, etc. in their performance of public affairs, and obtaining customer’s consent may interfere with the performance of such public affairs;
    • 5.The Company merely discloses or provides statistical data (information that cannot identify customer);
    • 6.Such information is provided in association with a succession of business due to merger, company split, business transfer or other reasons; or
    • 7.Customer is in a circumstance where he/she can easily confirm the following contents on the Company’s website, etc. in advance, and the Company provides such information in accordance with the procedures under the laws and regulations on the condition that customer has not expressed any intention to refuse the provision of such information:
      • (1) The purpose of use of such information is to provide the same to a third party;
      • (2) The personal data items to be provided to a third party;
      • (3) The means and method of provision of such information to a third party;
      • (4) The fact that the Company will suspend the provision of such information to a third party if requested by customer; and
      • (5) The method of accepting requests from customers.

    Disclosure of Personal Information Subject to Disclosure and Point of Contact

    <Name of the Company>
    Zeroin Inc.
    <Personal Information Protection Manager>
    Zeroin Inc.
    Corporate Planning Division manager
    20th Floor, Uchisaiwaicho Heiwa Bldg
    1-5-2 Uchisaiwaicho,Chiyoda-ku,Tokyo 100-0011
    ※For inquiries, please contact the “Personal Information Complaints and Consultation Counter”
    <Personal Information Complaints and Consultation Counter>
    Zeroin Inc.
    Corporate Planning Division
    20th Floor, Uchisaiwaicho Heiwa Bldg
    1-5-2 Uchisaiwaicho,Chiyoda-ku,Tokyo 100-0011
    <Purposes of Use of Personal Information Subject to Disclosure>
    In light of the fact that the Company engages in outsourcing business for providing total support for the revitalization of corporate culture as its core business, the Company sets forth the following purposes of use of personal information subject to disclosure that it handles:
    • Performance of contracts, business communication, administrative processing and conduct of business incidental thereto;
    • Screening of applicants for recruitment to the Company and conduct of business incidental thereto;
    • Exercise of rights in relation to shareholders and performance of obligations toward shareholders;
    • Human resources and labor management of employees, etc. and conduct of business incidental thereto;
    • Accurate understanding of content of inquiries, etc. and implementation of proper handling thereof;
    • Implementation of services necessary for holding seminars applied for, receiving applications and conducting front-desk services for such seminars;
    • Provision of information regarding the goods and services offered by the Company;
    • Provision of the Company’s latest information, various seminar information, and exhibition information, etc.;
    • Improvement of the goods and customer service, etc. offered by the Company; and
    • Distribution of email magazines if customer signs up for the distribution thereof.
    • Applying for recruitment, using it as selection document.
    * If the personal information purposes of use are individually notified to customer, the Company will handle such personal information in accordance with such purposes of use.
    <Request for Disclosure in Relation to the Handling of Personal Information Subject to Disclosure>
    The Company accept requests for notification of purpose of use, disclosure of personal information, correction, addition or deletion of content, suspension of use, deletion, and suspension of provision to third parties,and disclosure of records provided by third parties (hereinafter referred to as "disclosure, etc.") . If you contact the Personal Information Complaints and Consultation Desk, we will send you the documents necessary for the procedure. The fee for notification of purpose of use or disclosure of personal information is 1,000 yen per case.
    <Recognized Personal Information Protection Organization>
    Japan Information Processing and Development Center (JIPDEC)
    Privacy Mark Promotion Center
    Secretariat of Personal Authorized Protection Information Group
    Roppongi First Building
    1-9-9 Roppongi, Minato-ku, Tokyo 106-0032
    Phone: 0120-700-779

    For Customers residing in the EEA

    In addition to the content of the Privacy Policy, etc., the Company sets forth the following content for customers residing in the EEA, with regard to the handling of customer’s personal information under the GDPR.
    • Personal Data
      The personal data that the Company may handle is as follows:
    • Name, date of birth, nationality, address and other basic information;
    • Home phone number, mobile phone number, email address and other contact information;
    • Content of postings by customer;
    • Information on customer’s cookies and IP address;
    • Other information submitted by customer in order to receive the Company’s service.
    • Contact Information
      Please refer to the “Personal Information Complaints and Consultation Counter” under item d. of the above-mentioned Privacy Policy and the “Disclosure of Personal Information Subject to Disclosure and Point of Contact”.
    • Purposes of Use of Personal Data
      The Company handles personal data obtained from customers for the purposes of use set forth in the Privacy Policy, etc.
    • Legal Grounds for Handling of Personal Data
    • Handling of Personal Data for the Performance of a Contract with Customer The Company will handle customer’s personal data, if it is necessary to do so: (i) in order to provide customer with service under a contact with customer; or (ii) in order to provide customer with the services or functions required by customer prior to the execution of the contract with customer. In such circumstance, customer may not be able to use part of the services if necessary information is not provided to the Company.
    • Customer’s Consent
      The Company will handle customer’s personal data subject to customer’s consent to the Privacy Policy, etc. and the contents of this “For Customers residing in the EEA”. If customer is under 16 years of age, he/she may use the Company’s service only after obtaining consent or permission from his/her parent/guardian with regard to the Company’s handling of customer’s personal data. Customer may revoke his/her consent at any time; provided, however, that the revocation of consent shall not affect the legality of the Company’s handling of personal data prior to such revocation. In addition, customer may no longer be able to receive necessary services from the Company if he/she revokes his/her consent.
    • Handling of Personal Data for Legitimate Interests
      The Company will handle customer’s personal data if it is necessary to do so for the realization of legitimate interests required by the Company or a third party.
    • Handling of Personal Data Outside the EEA
      The Company may disclose customer’s personal data to any of its subsidiaries or related companies within the scope of the purposes of use set forth in the Privacy Policy, etc. In addition, the Company may disclose customer’s personal data to cloud vendors or other subcontractors of the Company.
    The Company's subsidiaries or related companies, and the aforementioned subcontractors include those located in countries outside the EEA (including, without limitation, Japan and the United States; hereinafter the same shall apply), and the rights that would otherwise be granted to customers under the GDPR may not be granted to customers in such countries if such countries have not been determined by the European Commission as implementing adequate data protection under the GDPR. However, by consenting to this Privacy Policy, the customer expressly consents to the provision of his/her personal data to the Company’s subsidiaries or related companies, and the aforementioned subcontractors.
    • Retention Period of Personal Data
      The Company will handle customer’s personal data for the period necessary to achieve the purposes of use set forth in the Privacy Policy, etc.
    • Customer’s Rights
      Customer has the right to access, correct or erase and restrict the handling of his/her own personal data, and also has the right to data portability (i.e., the right to obtain/transfer, etc. personal data submitted by him/herself in an electric file), to the extent that the GDPR is applied. In addition, if customer is dissatisfied with the Company’s handling of personal data, he/she may raise an objection with the personal data protection authority having jurisdiction over the area in which customer resides.
    • Profiling
      Although the Company may conduct profiling of personal data provided by customer: (i) in order to execute a contract with customer or for the performance thereof; or (ii) based upon customer’s consent, the Company will not thereby cause any significant impact on customer. In conducting profiling of customer’s information, the Company will take measures to ensure that the Company’s interests will not take precedence over customer’s own interests, basic rights and freedom.
    In this website, the Company introduces Google Analytics in order to understand the status of use of this website by customer, so as to create better contents. Google Analytics collects user information by using cookies. More specifically, Google Analytics aggregates users’ access history to the website, and Google will retain, for the maximum period of 26 months, information which allows for the understanding of which page in this website were viewed by customer and how they were viewed.
    Please refer to the following link for the Google Analytics Terms of Use: